El Solitario x Phylia Studio

The original idea behind the THE END IS FEAR Instagram Design Contest – back in March 2020 – was to keep our wolfpack awake and vigilante while the world was going nuts with most of us under severe lockdown measures. ... Then you were to send us your designs and the winner exercise would be made into a real wolf product.

Shop the collection here!




What is your greatest fear?

I’m not afraid of anything. My scariest thought is simultaneity. Thinking of all the terrible and beautiful things happening in this world in one given moment. Every given moment.

What is the meaning of your design?

The title is Cosmic healing curse. The blindfolded act of magic, call it a curse or a blessing. It’s about the naked, raw truth, the power of trust, the gut instinct you feel with your allies.

What is your preferred trick to overcome fear and push yourself into the unknown?

I start wandering on the terrain of my soul, to find the sunniest ocean shore or the steepest cliff, a place with a full panorama, to see my next move sharply. In Hungarian “hopeless” translates to “kilátástalan”, meaning “without a panorama”. This says it all. Hope, fear, joy, sorrow, they are all places, you decide when you wanna walk away.


The Art Büro

